Flow of Time     (2019)          
31" 31"   white frame          
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

$1,500    SOLD      

Garden Corner        2016         
20" x 21-1/2  Unframed 
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 


Joyful Spring      2020
(framed) 21” x 21” -  Art 15” x 15”
Mixed Media: Papers, textiles,
Collagraph & Drawing



Positive Velocity"(2016)       

26-1/2"x 35-1/2" Unframed
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 
Price: $800      SOLD

Oaxaca Leaf #1              2020

(framed) 24” x 19” – Art 18” x 13” 

Mixed: Handmade Papers,

textiles, Collagraph & Drawing.


Inside Story       2020
(framed) 29” x 22” Art 23” x 15
Mixed Media: Handmade Papers, textiles, Collagraph and Drawing. 

$600     SOLD                                  

End of Summer #3"           2016 
22"x 26"    Unframed
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

Oaxaca Leaf #2"      2020
(framed) 25”x19” - Art 19” x 13”
Handmade papers, textiles, Collagraph 

& Draw                                       


Summer Flight            2016          
25-1/2" x 38

irregular shape - Unframed 

Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

End of Summer #1         2016  
22-1/2" x 20-1/2"  - Unframed
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

Interior    2020
(framed) 25” x 23” – Art 18.5” x 17”
Handmade Papers, textiles, Collagraph & Drawing 


Lost in the Snow         2020   
(framed) 27” x 25” -  Art 21” x 19”
Handmade papers, textiles, Collagraph
& Drawing

$600     SOLD                                    

All 2020 work is framed with a minimal white frame and  plexiglass front.   

Heartfelt"            2016                           
31" x 30"  - unframed                                  
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

Passage of Time 2020
(framed) 19” x 30” – Art 13” x 23.5”
Mixed Media: Handmade Papers,
Textiles, Collagraph & Drawing

​$600      SOLD                   

Garden Kite  2012         

24" x 33"  Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing.   


​$1,000     SOLD              

End of Summer #2 "         Circa 2016 
20"x 21  Unframed
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 


Ruiz Cortinez      2020

(framed) 29” x 22” -  Art 23” 16”
Handmade Papers, textiles,Collagraph & Drawing 

​$600       SOLD                                    

Sombra                       2013                        
30" x 28-1/2"-  white frame
Mixed media construction, handmade paper, textiles, machine stitching, drawing, and collagraph printing. 

Martie Zelt      2012-2019