Judy RIchardson Aroundabout 2017 Wood, paint 10"x16"x10"
Artists CV
Price List
Judy Richardson, Sea Floor 2021, Yucca, wood, paint 12"x14"x20"
Judy Richardson Wheel 2014 Wood, furniture parts, paint
Additional work
Judy Richardson is a sculptor living and working in Magdalena, New Mexico, recently transplanted from Brooklyn, NY. Her work is assembled and cobbled together with many dissimilar materials, and inspired by many different sources, from the political to the personal. She is a former scenic artist for the San Francisco Opera, which had an enormous effect on her work. She is a 2013 recipient of the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant and has had a number of artist’s residencies, from Roswell, NM to the Vermont Studio Center to Cochabamba, Bolivia, to Mesa Verde, CO. Judy’s work is in permanent collections in New York, Texas, New Mexico and California.
Judy Richardson, Occupy 2012 wood, rubber and metal Installation view $1,500
Judy Richardson Ghost Tree 2021 Wood 20"x18"x10
Judy Richardson, Funnel 2003 Wire, metal, plastic 20"x16"x4