© All Rights Reserved 2023 Warehouse 1-10, Magdalena, New Mexico. U.S.A
Warehouse 1-10 was a recipient of a Fulcrum Fund, a grant program of 516 ARTS made possible by the Frederick Hammersley Foundation 2020
Creative Industries Grant 2023-24
New Mexico Department of Economic Development
Paid for in part with Creative Industries Division Funding
Through the New Mexico Dept. of Economic Development Department.
Upcoming Catalog
Hills Snyder
Magdalena Drawings
May 4 through July 27, 2024
Open Wednesday Through Saturday by appointment.
Passed Exhibitions 2024
Hills Snyder
Magdalena Drawings
This exhibition is an extension of explorations made mainly in two bodies of work, Altered States (2016, ongoing) and Your Nowhere is My Somewhere. See You There (2017) combines Snyder’s ‘70s and ‘80s labor-intensive ways of drawing with the minimalist one-line style he developed in the ‘90s.
The Magdalena drawings are based on locations in the New Mexico town Snyder moved to 2017- 19. These drawings exist somewhere between representation, quantum fantasy, and sheer love of drawing, perhaps implying that the center of the universe may be found anywhere.
Next Exhibition May 17, 2025
FIVE, Small Solo Exhibitions
And a book presentation.
Mery Godin Collet, Catherine DeMaria, Luis Gutierrez
Jonas Hart, Marisela La Grave
Performance by
ART Magdalena Weekend
Warehouse 1-10 is pround to present
Three Solo Exhibitions
Sarita Johnson | Estelle Roberge | Hills Snyder
Estelle Roberge
The Book of Cranes
The Book of Cranes was one of two projects Estelle Roberge found solace in during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The content included my observations of wildlife at a nearby bird refuge which I frequented. I found myself drawing birds, photographing them, especially cranes and images of dancing cranes emerged. Slowly, I felt a renewed sense of well being. I traversed between inner voices and outer observations when frequenting the nearby refuge. When I returned home, I felt uplifted, like having visited a friend. Along with observations and gestures of birds in flight, I read "The Birds of Heaven", "Crane Music", and watched numerous films of cranes. Thus, two artist books evolved: "The Book of Covid: Unbound" which led to "The Book of Cranes" through which I found balance and creativity during a very insecure time”
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Sarita Johnson
The Donkey in Albany
A graphic novel
My wife, Susan Alexander, was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a bone marrow cancer) on August 3, 2010. The doctors gave Susan a prognosis of six months to a year to live. That’s when I started the drawings that would fill several sketchbooks and eventually become the graphic novel The Donkey in Albany, the first chapter of which is on exhibit here. The book chronicles Susan’s first year with multiple myeloma from diagnosis, early treatment, through bone marrow transplant, as well as what it was like for me as her witness, wife, and caregiver.